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/ Visual Basic Toolbox / Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO / btrieve / btrtes / btrtest.frm (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1992-03-15  |  9KB  |  256 lines

  1. EmpMst
  2. Btrieve Test Program
  3. Form1,
  4. Frame2
  5.  Action
  6. AddCommand
  7. ChangeCommand
  8. Change
  9. DeleteCommand
  10. Delete
  11. ExitCommand
  12. Frame3
  13. Data Access
  14. FirstCommand
  15. First
  16. NextCommand
  17. PreviousCommand
  18. Previous
  19. LastCommand
  20. Frame4
  21.     Select By
  22. SelectByNum
  23. Employee #
  24. SelectByLast
  25.     Last Name
  26. SelectByFirst
  27. First Name
  28. EmpNum
  29. EmpList
  30. Label7
  31. Employee #
  32. LstNam
  33. Label6
  34.     Last Name
  35. FstNam
  36. Label2
  37. First Name
  38. SocSec
  39. Label1
  40. ZipCod
  41. Label4
  42. Zip Code
  43. WPhone
  44. Label12
  45. Work Phone
  46. HPhone
  47. Label5
  48. Home Phone
  49. Form_Click(
  50. POSBLK
  52.     KEYBUFFER
  54.     WBTRVINIT
  55.     WBTRVSTOP
  57. POSBKL
  59. KeyBuff
  60. Command1_Click;
  61. StatusG
  62. BOPEN4
  64. DataBuff+
  65. BufLent
  66.     KeyBufLen+
  67. KeyNum
  68. Text1
  69. Command5_Click
  70. Command2_Click
  71. BFIRST
  72. Command3_Click
  73. BNEXT]
  74. Command4_Click
  76. BUFFER/
  78.     BPREVIOUS
  80. Text2o
  81. Text2_Change
  82. FileText
  83.     ErrorText
  84. Command6_Click
  85. Text3_Change
  86. FileText_Change
  87. Command7_Click_
  88. BSTAT
  89. Command8_Click
  90. BDELETE>
  91. OpenCommand_Click
  92. Command10_Click
  93. FileList_ClickH
  94. FileList{
  95. Valueh
  96. DirList_Change3
  97. Path5
  98. DirList
  99. PatternText_Change
  100. Pattern
  101. PatternText
  102. @    Form_Loadq
  103. ErrorText_Change
  104. Command1
  105. Enabled
  106. Command2
  107. Command3
  108. Command4
  109. Command8
  110. FALSE
  111.     KeyNumber
  112. PrtNum$
  113.     BGET_NEXT
  114.     BGET_PREV;
  115. BGET_GTF
  116. BGET_GOER
  117. BGET_LT
  118. BGET_LOE`
  120.     BGET_LAST
  121. KeyNumber_Change
  122. SubCommand2_Click
  123. Label6_Click
  124. DATABUF
  125. Caption
  126. BINSERT$
  127. Text2_Text}
  128. BtrErr
  129. DriveList_Change!
  130.     DriveListC
  131. Enable
  132. TextDriveListj
  133. ChrDirW
  134. Text3
  135. OpenCommand)
  136. Text3_LostFocus
  137. Responseh
  138. Click
  139. Enter
  140. StartUp.
  141. PartText
  142. PrtTyp
  143. ClaCod
  144. PrtCla
  145. Text4
  146. PlanID9
  147. BUpdateJ
  148. Command7{
  149. Command5
  150. EmpNum
  151. EmpLst
  152. EmpFst
  153. ileText9
  154. SelectByLast    
  155. SelectByFirstP
  156. SelectByNum\
  157. SetSelectBy
  158. Frame1_DragDrop
  159. Source
  160. SelectByLast_Click
  161. SelectByNum_Click
  162. SelectByFirst_Click
  163. EmpList_Click
  164. EmpList
  165. EmpLast
  166. Index
  167. SetEmpList
  168. Sorted
  169.     @    PaintData
  170. artText
  171. rtText
  172. @    ClearData
  173. GotFocus
  174. SelectBy
  175. KeyBuf
  177. KBuff
  178.     ListIndex
  179. SelectByLst
  180. AddCommand_Click
  181. ChangeCommand_Click
  182. DeleteCommand_Click
  183. Command9_Click.
  184. Command13_Click
  185. ExitCommand_ClickA
  186. Command12_Clickw    
  187. Command11_Click
  188. AddCommand.    
  189. ChangeCommandZ    
  190. DeleteCommand4d    @
  191. FirstCommand_Click=    @
  192. LastCommand_Click
  193. NextCommand_Click
  194. PreviousCommand_Click
  195. DeleteCommand
  196. ExitCommand
  197. FirstCommand5
  198. LastCommandm    
  199. FirstCommand
  200. NextCommand
  201. PreviousCommand
  202. SocSec
  203. HirDat
  204. Text5
  205. NumExp
  206. Text6
  207. HPhone
  208. Text4_Change
  209. KeBufLen
  210. FstNam
  211. LstNam
  212. WPhone
  213. CommandsOff
  214. ZipCod
  215. SetBuff
  216. Form_Load
  217. Execute StartUp Routine
  218. Open EmpMst.Dat File
  219. C:\VB\BtrTest\EmpMsts.Dat"
  220. SetSelectBy
  221. SelectByNum_Click
  222. SelectByFirst_Click
  223. SetEmpList
  224. Load EmpList Listbox with Employee Data 
  225. + "  #" + DataBuff.EmpNumm
  226. + " #" + DataBuff.EmpNum
  227. PaintData
  228. Paint Screen Data after file I/O
  229. ClearData
  230. Clear Screen Dataa
  231. EmpList_Click
  232. Set Select Box
  233. Get First by EmpNum
  234. MsgBox DataBuff.LstNam + DataBuff.EmpNum, 0
  235. AddCommand_Click
  236. Add Action Successful"
  237. File Action Message"
  238. ChangeCommand_Click
  239. Change SuccessFul"
  240. File Action Message"
  241. ExitCommand_Click
  242. Quit App
  243. DeleteCommand_Click
  244. Are you Sure?"
  245. File Action Message"
  246. Delete SuccessFul"
  247. File Action Message"
  248. FirstCommand_Click
  249. LastCommand_Click
  250. NextCommand_Click
  251. PreviousCommand_Click
  252. SelectByLast_Click
  253. CommandsOff
  254. SetBuff
  255. Set data buffer to the field values